FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about the BYU Residence Halls Association.

What is RHA?

The Residence Halls Association (RHA) is a student-run organization that serves students living in on-campus housing. RHA is composed of student councils from each floor, hall, and area. The councils are responsible for student activities in their respective areas. BYU RHA helps individuals live, learn, work, and grow in gospel-centered communities. Over 400 schools all over the world have an RHA organization. For more information visit the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Inc.

What does RHA do?

The mission of BYU RHA is to offer students opportunities for growth and development in leadership roles and to provide or participate in programs in the residence halls. RHA is responsible for planning programs that will achieve this mission. Each week, councils meet and plan activities for their areas and halls to help the residents grow in their new communities.

What are some past activities RHA has done?

"Activities" are called programs because programs are planned with a purpose or need in mind. Each year a semi-formal Invitational dance is planned. Fancy food and decorations are traditions at Invitational. Invitational provides an opportunity for residents to socialize and enjoy a special night with friends. Dances, carnivals, and game nights, and talent shows are other examples of social programs. Other past programs include a “Boost Your Body” physical fitness program, health and safety tips, and stress management.

How can students be on the RHA councils?

You can apply online. Each qualified applicant will go through an interview process to determine if they will be placed on an area council. There are applications available at the beginning of fall and winter semester. Residents may also talk to their RAs about joining their floor or hall council.

What is the time commitment for students on the councils?

Area council officers are required to take a 2-credit class. Enrollment in the class is optional for Hall Representatives. One day is dedicated to planning the programs, and the other day is a leadership development class taught by professors. Planning and carrying out activities is the majority of the ‘homework,’ although there is some written work as well. Class meets Monday & Wednesday from 4:00pm-4:50pm in the Cannon Center at Helaman Halls.

How can I contact BYU RHA?

You can talk to your RA, Hall Advisor, or an area manager at the central building in your area.
You can also reach us by phone or email.
Phone: 801-422-6158
Email: rha@byu.edu